
to the poets in my life

[orig. written 12.9.09]
listening to you
makes words fall off of me again--
words pushed back inside and sedimented by so-called "focusing",
my own expression ruled into a perfect target practice
of double-spaced pages and trite music theory assignments;
my to-do list shoving the art out of me like walmart pushes small businesses out of town,
making a desert where words used to run
l i k e w a t e r,
now too often crippled, choking and handicapped
as i deafen my ears to word,
against the deafening noise of world.
But under rust and dust being scraped off
by your razor sharp poetry,
i want to write again.
my mind becomes a magnet for metaphors,
a factory of phrases;
my thoughts diversify
and versify,
and i find something peaceful and freeing
in this poetic procrastination.

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